
Thursday, August 30, 2007

50th Independence of Malaysia

It has been 50 years since we brought down the Union Jack on the eve 31st August 1957.

Should we did not being occupied by any of the intruders, we shall be a very strong, prosperous, stable and developed nation. The occupations has interrupted our nation's progress.

My fully respect to those comrades and patriots who had been safeguarding and defending this land wholeheartedly, even some did not witness the memorable day and benefitted anything from their struggle. If the citizen didnt count, believe me - ALlah will...

Independence is not by shouting MERDEKA three times only... it is by believing and knowing that you are a free nation that have dignity and pride... and yes... we pay for it, our forefather paid it with their sweats,tears and bloods.

Kg Baru


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